My Blog

Hereditary Cancer Week

I was diagnosed with advanced stage 3C high-grade serous ovarian cancer in December 2020. The one thing I wish I knew about myself was that I carried the BReast CAncer genetic mutation, also known as BRCA-1. The BRCA mutation has a 50% chance of being passed down by your mother and/or father. Cancer was not prevalent in my family that I was aware of, other than my father having prostate cancer and ultimately passing away from lung cancer in 2009. Who knew that prostate and ovarian cancer were closely related? I sure didn't! I figured as long as I continued to stay healthy, workout and eat right, I would be good. I was wrong. By no means am I telling people to not take care of themselves cause either way you'll get cancer. No! I believe being healthy when I got cancer saved my life. What I am saying is, know what is lurking inside your body. 📷 Nov 2020 Month before my diagnosis

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Wellness Day

Surround yourself with people who motivate you. No matter their situation, they still find positivity and love for life. I just met these two ladies for the first time at a Survivors & Sunrise hike at Friedrich Wilderness Park. A beautiful hiking nature park near the Dominion. 

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It’s a part of me

I haven't had a tattoo in 20 years but when I got diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer I knew I wanted a tattoo. This disease has impacted my life so much, it just felt right. I decided on a butterfly to represent new life, a transformation. I will never be who I used to be. OC has made me a different person inside and out. Then of course the teal ribbon represents Ovarian Cancer awareness. I still have another one I would like to do but in do time. Maybe in the spring. So keep posted 😊

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Remission or Not?

On 21 June I had my followup appt with my oncologist following my last chemo treatment, PET scan and labs to find out how 7 months of going through hell has finally panned out for me. I went into the appointment with mixed emotions, not sure what to expect. As he started to go over the scan all I could really hear was, "Blah, blah, blah". Like Charlie Browns mother's voice, until I heard the word "Remission". My CA-125 is at its lowest ever and my scan was good. I was and still am in somewhat disbelief. Is the cancer really gone? Like gone, gone? The answer to that question is "For now". As we all know, those that have been diagnosed with cancer, you're not technically cancer-free until you hit that 5-year milestone of no reoccurrence.

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Therapeutic Yoga

I miss yoga. It's time to get back to it! I'll be registering for classes starting next week. It's also time to get back to good eating habits. 

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Chemo Complete!

So happy to be done with this phase of my treatment. Cancer is a lifelong journey. I have to be realistic and know I have a greater risk of reoccurrence being BRCA1 positive. I start a PARP inhibitor in about 4 weeks, which is like low dose chemo in a tablet form that I will take daily. For now I will celebrate being cancer free!!! Every day I will hope and pray it doesn't return in one form or another. Thank you to my doctors, nurses, friends and most importantly, my family. Today wouldn't be possible without you all. 

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Teal Ribbon Tattoo

Which one should I get? Such a hard decision. After I am cleared by my oncologist I plan to get a tattoo to celebrate my remission and also skydive again. I currently love #1, but my mind can be changed. The pink one #4 will be teal. I really like that one too! And #6 💙😊

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Was shaving my head an emotional thing? I know for some other cancer survivors I talked to, it was very emotional for them. Some people have an attachment to their hair. Me, not so much! 

When I found out I was going to lose my hair due to chemotherapy, I knew I wanted to make shaving my head special somehow. I wanted to include my family. Having cancer just doesn't affect me. It affects my husband, my kids, my family and my close friends. 

I decided to make it a fun, family affair. So we had a little head shaving party. My husband and kids had a blast shaving my head, giving me a Mohawk and taking funny pictures. We laughed and had fun with it. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Remember, you have the power to choose how you want to do this. Cancer sucks, yes I know! But we have to make the best of it. If you choose to shave your head alone, or with family or friends,  do it! Embrace it! You are beautiful, remember that. 

What I used to shave my head: First I cut off as much hair as I could. Kind of like a disaster pixie cut. To shave it I used my daughters boyfriend razor called "The Man Scape 3.0". It worked perfect for me. And just a note, it was a Christmas gift and was unused.🤣Otherwise that would have been gross. We are not that kind of family. Good luck! 


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6 months ago

Colorectal survivor here. Thank you for all your documentation and words of inspiration. I admire your bravery. As every survivor knows, sometimes we just aren’t brave and lately, that has been me. While it takes bravery to confront and beat cancer, there is fear always lurking in the back of your mind. Your journal has pulled me back from days of burning myself in fear to get back to the kickin warrior I am. It was as if your journal was fated for me to find today and bring me out of my funk. You are an angel. Thank you. Now we get back to “suck it up” attitude to always warrior on! Wishing you the best always.

Senada Greca
4 years ago

You are a true warrior! A true source of inspiration to so many! Cancer chose the wrong person as it doesn’t know who it’s messing with. You’re so strong and cancer has no chance against you!!! Keep fighting for I know you you got this!!! 💚

Zenvi Boykin
4 years ago

Love your warrior spirit and positive attitude! You are so inspiring! I’ll continue to pray for you and your family ❤️

Rose Ramirez
4 years ago

Nicely done, Cindy! You are an inspiration for all of us. I wish I had done this also.

Erika H Hercher
4 years ago

Cindy, I'm glad to hear that the ManScape 3.0 was unused. I was concerned for a minute.
On a serious note sometimes we don't know what to say to friends and family that have cancer and right now I'm having that moment. What I do know is how strong you are and that you're gonna give everything you've got!

Christina D Parsons
4 years ago

I love that you are blogging about your journey! Definitely one of the strongest woman I know! Kick cancer's ass, girl! You've got this!

Cosette Nusen
4 years ago

Your an inspiration to many women even if you don’t know it right now. Cancer sucks! But we are warriors and you never fight alone.

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