Ovarian Cancer Advocacy

Every 23 minutes, someone is diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the U.S. There are nearly 230,000 people in this country living with the disease and all that it entails.
We need your help in raising awareness of this disease, and in raising funds for research that can bring forth better treatments and ultimately a cure.
I will be joining OCRA during the Spring Advocacy Day:
OCRA’s Virtual Spring Advocacy Day: March 8-9, 2021
It is a critical time for ovarian cancer priorities, with a new Congress and new administration coming in. Your elected officials need to hear from YOU to ensure that ovarian cancer research and education programs remain a congressional priority.
On March 8th and 9th, we’ll bring together survivors, caregivers and supporters to advocate virtually for programs and research that pave the way for better treatments for ovarian cancer.
I am so excited to be a part of this day. I'll be sure to share my experience on here and on my blog page.

#23forHope Challenge
Support Ovarian Cancer Research 23 days/ 23 minutes/ 23 workouts of your choice
Challenge Ends 17 March...St Pattys Day ☘️ and my surgery day Check out my workouts on IG @cindyb_fit and My Workout Blog

It's Advocacy Day!

Peace, Love, Cure
What an amazing day 💙 Today was a true reminder that I am not in this alone. To hear the stories of other beautiful teal warriors on how ovarian cancer has impacted them was such an inspiration.
We met with 5 Texas legislator staffers today from Senators Cornyn and Cruz' office, and Reps Gonzales, Roy and Williams' office. It was refreshing to see them engaged and wanting to know more about what we are trying to do.
Bottom line, we need funding for ovarian cancer research. We need to find a way for earlier detection, clinical research and trials, and education and awareness.
We can only hope that what we are asking for is supported and passed for FY22.
The meat and potatoes of the past 2 days was meeting such wonderful women. I'm so glad I signed up for this day and I will continue to do so every year from now on.
NOCC Wellness Retreat

Excited to attend 7-8 May!!!
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition has re-envisioned their annual ovarian cancer conference into a fun, interactive, online Wellness Retreat. An event for ovarian cancer survivors, you’ll hear the latest cancer research, learn about clinical trials, genetic & tumor testing, treatment options, coping skills, and how to look and feel your best. Or, take part in a stretching and chair yoga session, do some therapeutic journaling, practice art therapy, and enjoy wellness breaks throughout the two-day online gathering.
The highlight of the event is a ROCK Your Socks Off digital TEAL dance party. Wellness Retreat sessions are geared towards individuals who are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer, experiencing an ovarian cancer recurrence, as well as those who have no evidence of disease.
I definitely learned a lot during the retreat, especially the advancements in research. We are getting closer to having pre-screening tests for ovarian cancer. #hope
Together in Teal 25 September

Link to my fundraising page
Thank you to everyone who donated. I ended up raising $650 which was over my goal. Next year I'll go big!

Save the Date: OCRA’s Virtual National Conference will be September 28 – October 1, 2021!
I'm registered!!!
Thanks to you and our amazing speakers, our 2020 virtual Uniting for Hope Ovarian Cancer National Conference was a huge success! We’re thrilled to announce that our 2021 Conference will again be virtual–so you can join from wherever you are! Check back soon for more information, and sign up below to receive updates (if you registered for the 2020 conference you will automatically receive email updates).
OCRA Survivors Teaching Students
Survivors Teaching Students® brings ovarian cancer survivors and caregivers into medical education programs to educate future healthcare providers about ovarian cancer by sharing stories of diagnosis, treatment and survivorship, along with facts about the disease. Medical/healthcare students interact with and learn from ovarian cancer survivors in a classroom setting.
I was honored to speak at UT Medical school students recently. I felt my story gave them information regarding ovarian cancer signs and symptoms for when they become doctors. The biggest takeaway they got is OC isn't just a gynecologist disease. I saw so many doctors when I was trying to get help before I was officially diagnosed. 20 October is my next STS briefing. Can't wait!

OCRA 60 mile Challenge starts 1 April 2022

It's Advocacy Day tomorrow but this year it's been difficult to be involved. I'm back at work fulltime and life just keeps moving forward. Cancer or no cancer. So I'm going to do the 60 mile challenge starting 1 April through 6 May, hopefully I can meet my goal of $500!!!
Wheel to Survive 14 May 2022

Join me and other survivors 14 May for 2 hours of fun and FUNdraising for Ovarian Cancer Awareness and research. Be the Difference!

Foundation for Women's Cancer
Tampa 23-24 March 2023
It was such an honor being invited to the FWC Advocate and Patient forum. Can't wait to get more involved in OC research.

World Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day, May 8, 2023
San Antonio Living

Team Teal - National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
Disney Princess Half Marathon - 25 February 2024

To donate to my fundraiser go to this link. My goal is to raise $2,000 or more 🦋 for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and raise awareness

NOCC Team Teal - New York City Marathon

3 November 2024 - WE DID IT!!!! After 18 weeks of training we ran the New York City marathon. Together we raised over $21,000 for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Together, all 50 Team Teal teammates raised almost $300,000!!! Just think of how many survivor lives will be touched by these generous donations. I'm so incredibly grateful and proud of my team. I couldn't have asked for any better than these two amazing, selfless human beings. Thank you Kellie and Dave 🩵